Luke's babysitter, Michelle, has two adorable little ones. Madilyn just turned 4, and Colton is 9 months. Over the weekend I did a little photo session for them. It was a cruddy day outside, foggy and rainy, and the kids were both feeling a little under the weather. Despite this, I think I got some nice shots of the two of them! Colton wasn’t quite feeling it (plus, 9-month-olds are more interested in exploring than sitting still for a picture!), but Maddy smiled and posed like a pro.
I was a little concerned about the lighting situation because it was so overcast outside. We did everything in front of a large window, and that gave me the light I needed, although I had my aperture open as wide as it would go. Thus, all these shots have a pretty shallow depth of field. I was pretty satisfied with the end result, however!
Here is a small sampling:

These kids have the most big, beautiful eyes. I love it.