I didn't get many opportunities at all to photograph New York. In fact, the only time I was able to pull out my camera and take photos for non-work related purposes was when we had dinner at Bobby Van's. Bobby Van's is pretty cool. Part of the restaurant is inside an old bank vault - the original vault of JP Morgan, to be exact. Therefore the atmosphere is quite unique. And very dark. I snapped some shots of the details of the vault with what little light there was.
Detail of the numbers on the individual safes
Some of the safes were removed and the space used as shelves for various decorations, mainly bottles of wine.
I wonder if the bottles are worth anything?
Sculpture at the entrance to the vault.
Detail of the vault's door.
More of the door.
Well, I'm hoping to have more projects to share with you in April, especially now that the weather is getting so nice!