My niece, Brooke, will turn one on February 23rd. She's exactly 5 months younger than Luke. Kinda cool. I took some photos of her last week, and we're going to put a few of them on her birthday invitation! Photographing her presented much of the same difficulties as photographing Colton - what 11 month old wants to sit still and smile for a camera? There are things to explore!
Anywho, it should be fun designing the invitation.
Here are some favs:

In other news, I think I may need to look into getting an external flash. There are too many situtations where the lighting is too low and the subjects too fast (aka speedy children) to go without a flash. I refuse to use the built-in one. Blech.
My Nikon kit came with one which I have yet to're more than welcome to see if it fits onto your Canon =) It's a Bower Autofocus SFD728N (whatever that means LOL) Let me know!
ReplyDeleteI actually splurged and bought the Canon Speedlite 430EX, as I think I may be using it more in the future. But thanks so much for the offer!