Monday, July 6, 2009

An Attempt at Macro

I love macro photography. One of the things on my wishlist is a macro lens. They're just a tad expensive, so I don't think I'll be seeing one any time soon. But a girl can dream!

For the meantime I'll simply have to make do with what I've got. Some people get great macro shots with just their Canon Powershots, right?

I did a lot of flowers - they're pretty. Not very original, but pretty!

And then there was this little bug, crawling on a daylily stem:

Well, I guess this will have to do for now! But I'm still majorly jonesing for a macro lens.

New Camera!

Proof that my husband rocks:

This is what he gave me Friday night as a (two-week early) birthday gift!! Yay!!

It's a Canon Digital Rebel XSi. My little Nikon point-and-shoot has been driving me up the wall lately with mysteriously blurry photos, and I have been itching for an SLR camera of my own after borrowing Schuelke's camera on multiple occasions.

Let the fun begin!