Monday, February 28, 2011

The Joy of Love: Day 4

What They Wear

Photograph your loved one’s clothes (either on him or in the closet). This can be when they are dressed up or dressed down.

These are Rob's very worn work shoes. He's just about one of the hardest workers I've ever known...and his shoes reflect that, I think. When I first met him he wore what we called his "Peter Pan" shoes to work. Too bad I don't have a photo of those. They looked like, well, something Peter Pan would have worn :).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Joy of Love: Day 3

Then and Now

How long have you known your loved one? What has changed since you first met him or her? Try to capture this change in photos. it would be even cooler if you can show a photo from the time you first met him and put it side by side with a now photo. Or have your loved one hold the “Then” photo and snap the camera!

I've known Luke for over 3 years, and it's been 2.5 since he actually arrived.

I painted a picture for his room right before he was born. He was only a few weeks old in this photo, and I was excited that he was already "enjoying" my art.

What has changed? Well, just look at the two pictures!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Joy of Love: Day 2

How They Look

Capture your loved one at their best (or at their worst). Or both. What you’re trying to capture is the TRUE essence/expression/attitude/posture that SCREAMS your loved one!

To be honest, I took this picture when I was practicing with my external flash on manual. I wasn't purposefully doing it for this project...but I think it fits regardless :).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Joy of Love: Day 1

Willette Photography is offering one of her online photography courses for free during the month of February. The theme is LOVE, of course. An assignment is emailed out each day. I'm going to be terribly behind with this, but seeing as there is no final grade I'm ok with that :). I'll post my "homework" as I finish it.

Thus far I have completed Day 1, which is What They Do.

This can apply to anything your loved ones “do”….what do they do for work? What do they do for play? What chores do they do around the house? Find something they “DO” and document it.

If you are photographing your spouse/partner today, then focus on their job perhaps. If you are photographing your children, then focus on what they play or them “doing” school. If your subject is your dog, then show him playing (or sleeping). The possibilities for this prompt are endless, as we all “DO” something each day. SO, get out your camera and catch your loved one "DOING" something.

Here is my husband DOING one of the things he does best - talking to people. Making connections. Running various fantasy sports leagues and, er, other sports-related activities.