Friday, July 31, 2009

Hunt for an Abandoned Farm

I love photos of old and abandoned barns. I don't know why...they are slightly creepy, kind of pretty in an antique-ish way, and I like the country! So, Sunday Luke and I went for a little drive. My goal was to find an abandoned farm where I could snap a few shots of a dilapidated barn or silo or something. Ya know, this was a lot more difficult than I anticipated! Rob and I have driven up and down Rte. 47 on numerous occasions as we've traveled to and from my parents' house, and I remember seeing a lot of barns that looked like the slightest breeze could knock them over. And Sunday I did see many of these, however, the houses adjacent to them were very much occupied, and I wasn't in the mood to get busted for trespassing.

As I searched, I found a neat old fence on the side of the road. I strapped Luke to my back and took him for a little walk:

I actually gave up my search at this point, and started to head home. On my way back, though, something caught my eye on the horizon: a very, very cool looking dead tree. I headed that direction and found a small side road leading to the tree and a lone barn. There were no houses nearby, and the barn seemed to be unused. And old. Yay! I tried to be all stealth nontheless, lol. I had Luke with me and didn't want to get in trouble, obviously.

It was beginning to look like rain, and Luke was desperate to get out of his carseat, so we headed home.

So, if anyone knows of any neat, old farms or barns around here that I can take photos of, please tell me! It would be appreciated. I had a lot of fun with this, and want to try it again!